Project information

  • Technology: Unity
  • Genre: 2D Platformer
  • Year: 2020
  • ETD: 3 months


A bear is trapped in a cave by a sentient crystal civilization who are dying. They are training the bear to use their jumpdash technology to go to another dimension and fetch a powerful artifact, the compass, which has enough power to save them.

Game Design Document Draft

Game Design Process - game versions

Asset Details

Copyrighted assets from various sources:

Proprietary assets created for the game in collaboration with an artist:

  • Tileset - gound / map
  • Collectibles
    • Gems (4 versions)
    • Firefly with animation
  • Enemies
    • LaserPlant
    • RockFollower
    • RockBase
    • ThornLane
    • ThornPlant
    • ThornBush
    • Shadow
    • Stalactite
  • Environment
    • Background
    • Grass (4 versions)
    • Ivy (2 versions)
    • Tree (4 versions)
    • Parallax Forest
    • Parallax Ground
    • Parallax Stars
    • CaveWindow (2 versions)
    • Star (3 versions)
  • Interactables
    • Crystal Gate
    • Crystal Save
    • Crystal NPC
    • Teleport
  • Player Bear with animation and variants
  • UI cursor, panel, bars, star
  • LaserFlame & particles